Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2013

2013/09/29: Finch Trail and Humber Trail

The global suburbanism conference (I’ll write later more about this) and the sunny weekend weather kept me from posting texts and pictures. But here you are.

There were not only the conference and a lot of university readings last week, there was also this nice evening tour of the „bicycle project“ (if you have a facebook account and you want to see pictures click here) and the funny evening at the 2nd City Theatre with Gunnar, Max, Laura and Katharina.

After the end of the congress on Saturday afternoon, I took my bike and started a great, sunny tour along Finch Trail, Humber Trail and Waterfront Trail, probably three of the best cycle trails in Toronto. After 45 km of cycling I met some friends (and their friends) downtown with whom I went to a Japanese restaurant (this has to be another post, it was so awesome) and another beer in the gay district and another beer on Queen Street. Actually, one month after my parents left, this has been my first real “going out in downtown”-evening. It was a lot of fun, but also a lot of money…

Here are now some pictures of my cycle tour along Finch Corridor, Humber Trail and Waterfront (yes, you're right, the first two pictures are a week older, you can see at the tree's colors...):

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